Institut de Reiki
et de naturopathie

Institute of Reiki
and Naturopathy

Discover the history and lineage of Usui Reiki. As pure a practise as your vital energy...
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What is Reiki?
Reiki is a universal energy similar to that which is found in all different forms of life. This energy can be channelled by a person who has been attuned and can be redirected by the person’s hands. This energy is best channelled with an intention for your own well-being or can be passed on to another person, animal or plant.
Rei means universal spirit + Ki (Qi) is the ever moving and present energy of life. The term Ki in Japanese is exactly the same as Chi in Chinese, described in practices like Tai Chi and Chi Gong.
The presence of this energy is observable through an extremely powerful microscope. It resembles small little dots with minute movements, like little quivering bubbles of oxygen. This is found in the plasma, as well as every living cells of the human body. The movement is hardly detectable, but it is said to be as unique in every individual as a fingerprint. When the body experiences a higher level of stress, the natural movement of particles becomes affected; this is the beginning of physical and emotional conditions as we know it. Reiki energy can stabilise and re-energise the movement for the improvement of health.
The advantages of the Reiki practise…
Reiki, when it is done ethically and respectfully, encourages a very clean way to work with energy without compromising one’s own vital energy. The energy is channelled from the ever-flowing universal source, passes through the hands of the practitioner and is then directed to the intended receiver. Amongst the many holistic methods, Reiki practice is quite pure, free from interference and can be done at a very high vibration level. Many other approaches require voluntary use of one’s mental or physical energy which lowers the vibration level and may affect the giver or receiver. A good Reiki practitioner can connect quite directly to the Spirit without interference or a third-party source. In this way, it is very different from pranic healing, shamanism, massage therapy and many other modalities.
The student’s responsibility is to honour all Reiki precepts, while keeping one’s practice unblended to other modalities. Our focus should be one that which is Good or God-like in the purest form, while acknowledging our own biases, experiences and things we have not yet healed in ourselves. The intention for a Reiki session must not be ego driven, it must come from a place of calm and connection with Spirit and purity.
The Origin of Reiki…
Reiki is an ancient healing system which was rediscovered and practised in the early 1900s. The founder, Dr. Mikao Usui, was born in Japan in 1865. He joined a Buddhist school, as it was common at the time. His developing interest was to find a way to help those who were sick. He was well schooled and travelled having gone to China and several European countries, also having studied medicine, psychology, religion and divinatory arts. In March 1922, he dedicated himself to a 21-day meditation and fasting at Mount Kurama common in advance Buddhist practise. It was believed that out of this strict practice, most monks would receive a “boon” or spiritual practice. His was to feel energy passing from the top of his head (know as the crown chakra) to his hands. Shortly after his sadhana, it is said that he came upon a man and his very ill daughter. He spent time by her side and applied the insight of Reiki and to the astonishment of the father, she recovered. Soon after, people were made aware of his abilities and would line-up to receive such blessings or treatment, as his virtues were known throughout the surrounding villages. This practice was named Reiki, and with growing needs, he created a clinic in Tokyo where he later initiated Reiki Masters into this practice. He also Developed the Usui Reiki Healing Society. According to records, he would have introduced Reiki healing to 2000 people, 19 of which would later become the first Reiki Masters.